mutually conjugateの例文


  1. All these subgroups are mutually conjugate in SO ( 4 ).
  2. Any errors of flatness are removed by this scraping, since the only stable, mutually conjugate surface shape is a plane.
  3. This implies that under the group O ( 4 ) of " all " isometries with fixed point O the subgroups S 3 L and S 3 R are mutually conjugate and so are not normal subgroups of O ( 4 ).


  1. "mutually complementary"の例文
  2. "mutually comprehensible"の例文
  3. "mutually concerned information"の例文
  4. "mutually conditional"の例文
  5. "mutually conditioning"の例文
  6. "mutually contradictory"の例文
  7. "mutually coprime"の例文
  8. "mutually coupled coils"の例文
  9. "mutually defined"の例文
  10. "mutually disjoint"の例文
  11. "mutually conditional"の例文
  12. "mutually conditioning"の例文
  13. "mutually contradictory"の例文
  14. "mutually coprime"の例文

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